Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Analysis of 'From ineffectiveness to destruction: A qualitative study on the meaning of negative leadership’ by Schilling (2009)

 The article under discussion here is ‘from ineffectiveness to destruction: A qualitative study on the meaning of negative leadership’ by Schilling (2009). This article aims at understanding the meaning, conceptions and consequences of the term ’negative leadership’ among managers. Schilling (2009) begins with detailed definitions and meanings attached to the term ‘leadership’ and then moves on to explain what would ‘negative leadership’ stand for.
Following the introduction, Schilling writes about three different lines of theory relevant to the topic. These theories include: the research on abusive and tyrannical supervision by Blake Ashforth, Ben Tepper, the conception of different destructive leadership styles by Stale Einarsen and colleagues, third is the ideas on leadership (pseudo transformational and charismatic) by Jay Conger, Robert House and Bernard Bass.
The method section of the article includes the author’s explanation of the use of a Qualitative research method. More importantly, the author also lists the measures of content analysis to highlight how the study satisfies any concerns of the quality of the method chosen. The list includes all measures taken in the methods used and in examining the data collected to overcome some of the ethical issues, data analysis vagueness. 
Characteristics of qualitative research
According to Creswell (2013) the definition of Qualitative research has evolved due to the nature of the research method that is exploratory and open ended. Creswell (2013) defines Qualitative research by the characteristics that are unique to this method as ‘an emerging approach of inquiry that collects data in a natural setting. 
In the next step I will analyze the article by Schilling (2009) for the characteristics of qualitative research in reference of the characteristics defined by Creswell (2013).
  1. According to Creswell (2013) in a Qualitative research study researchers collect data in a ‘natural setting’ at a location where the problem or issue under study takes place. Schilling (2009) conducted his research with 42 middle and top managers at a telecommunication firm. Open ended interviews were conducted in a natural setting and not in a laboratory or experimental site.
  2. Researcher is the ‘key instrument’ in a Qualitative research and collect data themselves (2013). The researcher could use a questionnaire designed by them or observe, interpret behavior themselves. Schilling used a questionnaire in which participants were answering open ended questions with main answers and alternatives. As mentioned in the articles ‘all interviews were conducted by the same interviewer’ and were recorded with the consent of the participant.
  3. Multiple methods is another characteristics of Qualitative research which means gather data through various means like questionnaires, interviews or observation and not rely on one instrument (Creswell, 2013). Schilling specifically explains in the measures part of the articles that two instruments were used: open ended questionnaire and recorded interviews that gave the participant the opportunities to add any more information they desired. This information was then decoded and with understanding of the interviewer and participant added as data.
  4. Complex reasoning is used throughout the research process and the researcher uses a deductive logic to understand themes that are built on the data collected (Creswell, 2013).  Schilling clearly writes that there was ‘set by step formulation of inductive categories in different dimensions’. In addition to that there was revision of categories constantly when 10 to 50 percent of material was coded. In the end, finally there was another revision of the data.
  5. All along researcher go with the meaning the participants attach to the issue and not what the researcher brings from the literature (Creswell, 2013). Schilling makes it clear that the participants during the time of interview were at full liberty to express any views or thoughts they had that were not covered in the questionnaire. These ideas were then rechecked by the interviewer for relevance and added to the data with participant’s understanding.
  6. ‘Holistic Account’ that means the researcher go along the complexity of the issue and identify the many factors that are related to the issue (Creswell, 2013). Schilling has taken into account the antecedents, behaviors and consequences of ‘negative leadership’. The article also explains in depth the three theories that drive the issue and the article. All three theories are separate and cover a complex angle of the issue.

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage.
Schilling, J. (2009, Feb). From ineffectiveness to destruction: A qualitative study on the meaning of negative leadership. Leadership, 5, 102–128.


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